
Another State Of Mind 5

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
“When you really care about someone, their happiness matters more than yours.”

Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6

Another Hi had made me feel that I was his one and only. Another Hi had completely turned me into someone who wasn’t me well. “How did a person do that, huh?” that question came up when I thought that I had must fallen for him at the first time. But, in this era, who believes in love at first sight? Yeah, right. Unless your eyes are normal and perfectly completely fine, you must ever felt it. But to me, love at first sight is a bullshit thing. So, let’s just get going. Hah.


That day, I wore purple and you were still the same with your army backpack. We were very confused with everything that needed to be completed immediately. Rearranged Jupe’s, choreographing, harmonizing, supporting to each other, mimicking, singing, smiling, giggling, thinking, breathing we did those in one time. But, you would find me listening to ‘Aku Rapopo’ with joy. And I admitted if I did the wrong thing since they all gave me the ‘What the Hell were you doing?’ look.

We finally had a couple meetings and we kept gathering and stating the ideas in the same gazebo right in front of the English Laboratory. Um, and one thing. We called ourselves ‘Koening Ngambank’. Isn’t that delightdull? Oh no, I mean delightful? You know, that long slender yellowy floating thing. I am warning you, that’s not a banana. And that is the last thing on earth you wouldn’t even eat ever. The routines kept continuing and we always stuck with the rearrangement for Jupe’s. And I apparently kept enjoying the song while thinking that the rearrangement wasn’t the major problem. My main problem was, could I even sing it in front of everyone? I actually didn’t have any confident like I always bent down my head in math class.

The other day, I remembered him texting me saying he couldn’t find Chiki Ball with Cheese flavor. And I idiotically replied that I would find it for him. Yes! You must have seen my YOLO face that moment. I asked my mom to drive me buying the need-to-be-completed-soon snack a night after. And you know what was weird? I was home smiling like an idiot holding a stupid snack and took a picture of it. Wahdehfah. I told him by texting saying that I had got it for him. He thanked and the text was over.

LDK day had arrived. I wore red veil, black training pant, and yellow bandana. We (members of Koening Ngambank) waited for him impatiently. He was late and we almost threw him away in the river right in front of the school. But we needed him to lead us to a brighter path. *vomiting*. We couldn't pass the checking thing without him since he was the one bringing the group needs as the pass code. But he came and LATE. Oh, it was relieving. So, we finally passed the checking and making a line sitting per group.

LDK had finally started. I pretty enjoyed it since it was room with AC, the MC were apparently fantastic, the games were actually fun but I couldn't really enjoy since there was a game which needed a knowledge about Indonesian songs and you know how badly I am at it. I am an Indonesian, but bad at its own culture. Gosh. 



Another State Of Mind 4

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
“Hurt me with truths, but never comfort me with lies.”

Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6

Before it starts, I need to say something urgent to you guys who will read this with pleasure. These stories, these installments are based on my point of view. If you guys find those wrong, it doesn't really matter since I took all of them based on my point of view.

I made a little promise telling my journey to another hi. Well. Here we go.

About 3 months ago, I was so damn crazy about someone. Just like some screaming high school girls who obsess too much about their crushes. Well, I admit that they shouldn't have done it since they’re still kiddos in place called High School. See, what a high schooler can do about being mature before they shouldn't have been?

About the SYC meeting, I apparently did a good job not knowing anything about him beforehand. Meeting him was great and such an unbelievable experience. Texting him was great since I didn’t have any feelings in it. Calling his name was great since I didn't have to hide my face due to my fangirling thing. Looking at his eyes was the best part of it since I didn’t have any burden feeling. But then, I realized as if the well-behaved angel warning me to stay away and keep my eyes opened. It said that I should probably get out before I burn myself on fire. And if I burn, they burn with me.



ADKRS 2014 - Infinity

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Yo yo mama~

My school held a PENSI, ADKRS 2014 they call it. Well. I did join the performance, the Smasa Youth Choir. We sang Indonesia Jaya and Mars Smasa. It was fun and the guest star, JJAMS was damn cool! YourRaisa ngumpul and we rocked the world!! 

PENSI ini sendiri diadain pas tanggal 27 November 2014 dengan dresscode vintage. Temanya Infinity and apparently all of my mates are crazy about Kurnia Reza Septandri. Daf. Okay, he's dashing, so what? 

Here are some pics that I have deliberately collected *mwahahaha* if you find me doing the unusual pose, just send me a big red WARNING sign saying "You shouldn't have been born. YOLO~", then, I would be delighted to punch you in the face while giving you my best faking smile. EBOLO (Everybody Only Lives Once, so Live Life To the Safest ^^)~ 

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Langit Desember (2)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
This is based on true story. Her love-life. 
Halida is my sister whom I respect a lot, admire, and adore. She is in Bintaro, Tangerang now for her study. And apparently she's having a CABUL (Capacity Building, it's like MOS in High School) in Bandung. Wish her luck. Arigatou :].

Langit Desember
by Babun - Halida An Nabila

Part : 1 2 3 4 5 

Sejak kapan wajahnya membuatku sulit berkonsentrasi?

Satu lagi pertanyaan kau lontarkan. Napasmu memburu. Sudah kesekian kalinya hari ini kau mencoba menahan diri untuk tidak menatapnya. Tapi apa daya? Posisinya mudah dijangkau bola matamu yang sudah kecanduan. Kau mencoba memfokuskan diri pada penjelasan dosen. Sia-sia. Sejak 45 menit terakhir suara dosenmu sudah tidak mampu ditangkap telingamu karena kau sibuk mengamati sosoknya. Akan sulit membangun konsentrasi dari tahap ini. Bahkan kau tidak yakin apakah dosenmu masih membahas Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar atau malah sudah lanjut ke Surat Tagihan Pajak. Ah, konyol memang bagaimana rasa suka membuatmu repot-repot mengerahkan indra-indramu dalam diam. Untuk merekam rona wajahnya, menghafal tawanya, membaui aroma tubuhnya.

 “Ya, kamu siswi yang duduk di pojok. Jawabannya?” Seisi ruangan tiba-tiba menatapmu.

“Hah? Ehm.. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar...?” 

Kau begitu kaget saat mulutmu meluncurkan satu-satunya hal yang terlintas di kepalamu. Ada hening sepersekian detik sebelum tawa berderai-derai di sekelilingmu. Dan dalam kebingunganmu, kau terperangah mendapati dosen akuntansimu sedang berkacak pinggang di depan kelas. Kau tersenyum pahit. Akan ada banyak soal latihan akuntansi yang harus kau bawa pulang hari ini.
