
Another State Of Mind 5

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
“When you really care about someone, their happiness matters more than yours.”

Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6

Another Hi had made me feel that I was his one and only. Another Hi had completely turned me into someone who wasn’t me well. “How did a person do that, huh?” that question came up when I thought that I had must fallen for him at the first time. But, in this era, who believes in love at first sight? Yeah, right. Unless your eyes are normal and perfectly completely fine, you must ever felt it. But to me, love at first sight is a bullshit thing. So, let’s just get going. Hah.


That day, I wore purple and you were still the same with your army backpack. We were very confused with everything that needed to be completed immediately. Rearranged Jupe’s, choreographing, harmonizing, supporting to each other, mimicking, singing, smiling, giggling, thinking, breathing we did those in one time. But, you would find me listening to ‘Aku Rapopo’ with joy. And I admitted if I did the wrong thing since they all gave me the ‘What the Hell were you doing?’ look.

We finally had a couple meetings and we kept gathering and stating the ideas in the same gazebo right in front of the English Laboratory. Um, and one thing. We called ourselves ‘Koening Ngambank’. Isn’t that delightdull? Oh no, I mean delightful? You know, that long slender yellowy floating thing. I am warning you, that’s not a banana. And that is the last thing on earth you wouldn’t even eat ever. The routines kept continuing and we always stuck with the rearrangement for Jupe’s. And I apparently kept enjoying the song while thinking that the rearrangement wasn’t the major problem. My main problem was, could I even sing it in front of everyone? I actually didn’t have any confident like I always bent down my head in math class.

The other day, I remembered him texting me saying he couldn’t find Chiki Ball with Cheese flavor. And I idiotically replied that I would find it for him. Yes! You must have seen my YOLO face that moment. I asked my mom to drive me buying the need-to-be-completed-soon snack a night after. And you know what was weird? I was home smiling like an idiot holding a stupid snack and took a picture of it. Wahdehfah. I told him by texting saying that I had got it for him. He thanked and the text was over.

LDK day had arrived. I wore red veil, black training pant, and yellow bandana. We (members of Koening Ngambank) waited for him impatiently. He was late and we almost threw him away in the river right in front of the school. But we needed him to lead us to a brighter path. *vomiting*. We couldn't pass the checking thing without him since he was the one bringing the group needs as the pass code. But he came and LATE. Oh, it was relieving. So, we finally passed the checking and making a line sitting per group.

LDK had finally started. I pretty enjoyed it since it was room with AC, the MC were apparently fantastic, the games were actually fun but I couldn't really enjoy since there was a game which needed a knowledge about Indonesian songs and you know how badly I am at it. I am an Indonesian, but bad at its own culture. Gosh. 



Another State Of Mind 4

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
“Hurt me with truths, but never comfort me with lies.”

Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6

Before it starts, I need to say something urgent to you guys who will read this with pleasure. These stories, these installments are based on my point of view. If you guys find those wrong, it doesn't really matter since I took all of them based on my point of view.

I made a little promise telling my journey to another hi. Well. Here we go.

About 3 months ago, I was so damn crazy about someone. Just like some screaming high school girls who obsess too much about their crushes. Well, I admit that they shouldn't have done it since they’re still kiddos in place called High School. See, what a high schooler can do about being mature before they shouldn't have been?

About the SYC meeting, I apparently did a good job not knowing anything about him beforehand. Meeting him was great and such an unbelievable experience. Texting him was great since I didn’t have any feelings in it. Calling his name was great since I didn't have to hide my face due to my fangirling thing. Looking at his eyes was the best part of it since I didn’t have any burden feeling. But then, I realized as if the well-behaved angel warning me to stay away and keep my eyes opened. It said that I should probably get out before I burn myself on fire. And if I burn, they burn with me.



ADKRS 2014 - Infinity

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Yo yo mama~

My school held a PENSI, ADKRS 2014 they call it. Well. I did join the performance, the Smasa Youth Choir. We sang Indonesia Jaya and Mars Smasa. It was fun and the guest star, JJAMS was damn cool! YourRaisa ngumpul and we rocked the world!! 

PENSI ini sendiri diadain pas tanggal 27 November 2014 dengan dresscode vintage. Temanya Infinity and apparently all of my mates are crazy about Kurnia Reza Septandri. Daf. Okay, he's dashing, so what? 

Here are some pics that I have deliberately collected *mwahahaha* if you find me doing the unusual pose, just send me a big red WARNING sign saying "You shouldn't have been born. YOLO~", then, I would be delighted to punch you in the face while giving you my best faking smile. EBOLO (Everybody Only Lives Once, so Live Life To the Safest ^^)~ 

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Langit Desember (2)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
This is based on true story. Her love-life. 
Halida is my sister whom I respect a lot, admire, and adore. She is in Bintaro, Tangerang now for her study. And apparently she's having a CABUL (Capacity Building, it's like MOS in High School) in Bandung. Wish her luck. Arigatou :].

Langit Desember
by Babun - Halida An Nabila

Part : 1 2 3 4 5 

Sejak kapan wajahnya membuatku sulit berkonsentrasi?

Satu lagi pertanyaan kau lontarkan. Napasmu memburu. Sudah kesekian kalinya hari ini kau mencoba menahan diri untuk tidak menatapnya. Tapi apa daya? Posisinya mudah dijangkau bola matamu yang sudah kecanduan. Kau mencoba memfokuskan diri pada penjelasan dosen. Sia-sia. Sejak 45 menit terakhir suara dosenmu sudah tidak mampu ditangkap telingamu karena kau sibuk mengamati sosoknya. Akan sulit membangun konsentrasi dari tahap ini. Bahkan kau tidak yakin apakah dosenmu masih membahas Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar atau malah sudah lanjut ke Surat Tagihan Pajak. Ah, konyol memang bagaimana rasa suka membuatmu repot-repot mengerahkan indra-indramu dalam diam. Untuk merekam rona wajahnya, menghafal tawanya, membaui aroma tubuhnya.

 “Ya, kamu siswi yang duduk di pojok. Jawabannya?” Seisi ruangan tiba-tiba menatapmu.

“Hah? Ehm.. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar...?” 

Kau begitu kaget saat mulutmu meluncurkan satu-satunya hal yang terlintas di kepalamu. Ada hening sepersekian detik sebelum tawa berderai-derai di sekelilingmu. Dan dalam kebingunganmu, kau terperangah mendapati dosen akuntansimu sedang berkacak pinggang di depan kelas. Kau tersenyum pahit. Akan ada banyak soal latihan akuntansi yang harus kau bawa pulang hari ini.



Avada Kedavra Goes To Heart

looks a bit dull but yeah. Note yourself : I am not emotional! Thank you. This is what you call formality.. hahaha



Langit Desember (1)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
This is based on true story. Her love-life. 
Halida is my sister whom I respect a lot, admire, and adore. She is in Bintaro, Tangerang now for her study. And apparently she's having a CABUL (Capacity Building, it's like MOS in High School) in Bandung. Wish her luck. Arigatou :].

Langit Desember
by Babun - Halida An Nabila

Part : 1 2 3 4 5

Sejak kau bisa mengingat, langit Desember tidak pernah ramah. Langit Desember begitu emosional dan cengeng. Air matanya yang deras selalu tumpah mendadak tanpa permisi ke sekujur tubuhmu. Biar begitu, kau tidak pernah membencinya. Malah kau diam-diam memujanya. Kau selalu menggilai nuansanya. Kelabu. Sembab. Sentimentil. 

Kau selalu merindukan langit Desember setiap tahun. Sebab setelah menabahkan diri untuk belajar giat dan bekerja keras selama kurang lebih 11 bulan, penghujung Desember selalu menjemputmu dengan iming-iming liburan akhir tahun yang menenangkan. Dan dia belum pernah mengecewakanmu. Desember selalu berhasil memberimu kesempatan untuk memulihkan diri dan membantumu mempersiapkan diri untuk menghela beban baru di tahun depan. Mungkin karena itulah kau merasakan keakraban tak terjelaskan dengan langit Desember. Kau bahkan suka melontarkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan konyol padanya: Mengapa bumi tidak pernah bosan mengitari matahari? Apakah setelah berpuas diri menghisap bunga, lebah-lebah bersendawa? Dapatkah seseorang merindu berulang kali dalam sehari? Apakah jatuh cinta menguras kewarasan? Dan seperti biasa, langit Desember bergeming seolah sedang perlahan menelan pertanyaan-pertanyaanmu. Kau tidak pernah memperoleh jawaban. Tapi tidak mengapa, bukan itulah maksudmu bertanya. 


Another State Of Mind #3

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
“We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.”

                          Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6

Just as soon as those feelings were gone, I was glad and relief. I could really put my head upon the pillow with a great new and fresh start. We both knew that we were just friends. Nothing more nothing less. I took a great regret seeing him felt in burden. I was such a bad girl.

Well. Thank you so much, sir. I really had a great time. You took me a lot of life lessons.

Okay. An ending is just another of a new beginning. I said that to myself as I cross tight my hands around the chest and kept thinking what the worse that could happen next.. Blood type B is an optimistic person, but I have cherophobia. Once I felt so happy, I knew I shouldn't. That is just not amazing skill people should owned. So, I want to clear out something. I have completely moved on. Wahaha..

A journey to another hi will soon be started. Let’s just see..

I am the "easily falling" type. This had gotten me into lots of problem. I just want to run along the shore and shout as loud as I could until my throat bleed. I just want to drink all of the water and spit it like a dumb. Sleep on the white sand as I look upon the beautiful ocean sky, listen to the breeze while closing my eyes, playing with a turtle like a kid, and singing along with a bird. Oh yeah, I like silent places. It makes my heart peace. 

That day was not a good day since I wore a baggy and my classes has an audition for ADKR 2014. Because of it, I couldn’t gather for the SYC meeting. Just after the audition, I ran down to get an information the SYC had been telling. The first time our eyes met to each other started. Hahaha.. Sounds vacant.. -,- And up until now, I can’t believe I was so much  closer to him than I imagined I was.. Stupid~ 



Another State Of Mind #2

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
“Am I loving the wrong guy?” –Hyms

                          Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6

I am not a professional. I am not the Master of Love. When it comes to love, I can just put my hands up and start singing 2 PM’s. Do all of you do exactly like I do? No? Okay. Okay. What? Damn!

Just because I haven’t been in a relationship with guy, doesn’t mean I am lame. But, I am lame. Little lame! Please pay attention, I don’t love girls. It’s just the matter of time. Perhaps my future husband hasn’t born yet. I am just making some hypothesis..

Honestly, I can’t be in a relationship. I don’t like boundaries. I am not the type of girl who loves being attached by only one guy. But, that doesn’t mean I am playgirl. Back to number one, it’s just the matter of time. Look, guys. I am loyal. I can gurantee that. Here are my money, take it, I don’t mind.

Before, I said that, “I am still fall for you.” That could be right. I just haven’t met thousand ways to get moved on from him. Wahaha. (to me,) We have too many memories via Katalk. I can’t let him go yet. To me who built the memories by myself, can be really hard to wipe them out alone. Some drive me crazy. Some will make my tears shown up. But I realize that he’s just not the one. He wasn’t born for me. He was born for his parents. Can you not?

He used to make me freeze whenever our eyes met to each other. He used to make my ankle sprained whenever I thought about him. He used to make me laugh by myself. He used to make me excrete wet-cold sweat around my palms. He used to make me confused by his mind-puzzling. He used to make me feel like I was being paid a full attention just by him. He used to make me think that I was the most beautiful person he has ever met. He used to drive me crazy. And now, he will not make any of them for more.

I am in A side while he is in the B side. We can just be connected by a thread or brick bridge, but we don’t want to be connected. He doesn’t want to be connected. This is so confusing. I don’t get him somehow.
Now I feel free. I feel like I can shout out loud and no one can even hear me shout. They will not able to hear me curse anyone. Wahaha..



Another State Of Mind #1

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

"The unchangeable initial has changed."

                          Part : 1 2 3 4 5 6

The ‘I cannot wait the day when I look at you, I feel absolutely nothing’ day has arrived. Wow. Isn’t that cool? Or for thousand times I am the only one who enjoy the time by myself?

Just tell me how to stop. Or you could say ,“I am sorry. You are alone in this case.”  That would make me feel that I was really considerable.  Said bad things. It could really stop me to put a hope in. Said something that could really break my heart. It could really work if you were meant to do it. Said that to my face. It could really make my veins burst out and some would find my body in my own altar ego. But I wouldn’t do all that silly stuffs. I am a strong woman. Please..

Lots of new things has come to me recently. And I am glad I can take all of them. Some can make my heart stopped, some can make my running get faster. How bad or good it can affect depends on how bad or good I treat them as a valuable. I can really give a warmth smile to the bad or in opposite. I get distracted easily. I have ADHD. Like one time when someone introduced himself to me, I already forgot his name a minute after.

But know, if once I got the best thing in my life I can really take care of, I will stay quite and always look after it. I won’t even turn around for another ‘hi’. I won’t ever clap my hand for another amazement from another ‘hi’. I won’t be curious for another ‘hi’.

“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellation.” –the fault in our stars.

I was wrong.

I am still fall for you.



SUCI 4 Show 12

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb 

Kamis (15/05) malam lalu, Stand Up Comedy Indonesia Season 4 Show 12, adalah show paling beruntung buat si Pras Teguh. Dah, inilah kenapa si Dzawin menyebut dia "Anak Call Back"

Teaser SUCI 4 Show 12 :

Show ke 12 kali ini, Kompas TV berhasil bikin kejutan yang gendheng. Saat para komika sudah siap maju ke babak 5 besar, Kompas TV malah ngadain show call back. Jadi, Kompas TV manggil para komika yang udah close mic untuk diadu lagi jadi masuk ke 6 besar. Siapakah yang bakal masuk lagi ke SUCI 4? Check it out!! (Jeileh, lu mah tadi udah bilang, tong. Si Pras Teguh. Eh, just shut up eh, stop tipu-tipu!)

VT Callback and Testimony :

Coki :

Liant :


Pras :


Yudha Keling :
SUCI 4 Show 12 kali ini para komika callback tampil dalam dua ronde. Mereka diberi kesempatan dua kali tampil untuk meyakinkan para juri bahwa mereka pantas untuk tetap ada di persaingan merebut title Comic nomer satu di SUCI 4. 
SUCI 4 Show 12 :
Pras :
Coki :
Yudha Keling :

Liant : 
Dan kalian juga pasti udah pada tahu si Anak Call Back ini siapa.. Yak! Shafira Hany! Yuuhu~ Bercanda, ih lu mah.. Serius amat. 
NB : Thanks to Kompas TV YT Channel.
PS : "Aduh mama sayange~ Abdur tidak tampil~~~"
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

State of Mind #4

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

I was a little bit happy that day. Why? I knew I shouldn’t. But, knowing that she didn’t come to school, brightened my mind and warmed my heart a bit. Sorry. #Sorry, I don’t really mean it#

Well, before Firda came from Taruna, we (me, Rani, Ki' Ki', him, and friends) took selfies together with Rani’s tongsis. I was really excited when Rani offered that idea. It was because I sat next to him. And knowing the fact of taking a selfie, that we should move closer to each other, made my heart beated faster than I originally expected. It meant I would be at for like 10 cm apart from him. But then, Huda butted in perfectly between us. And I was like, “Can you not??!” Aaahh.. my beautiful future moment. Ruined by Huda. Aish! I didn’t want to show my disappointment and crack the atmosphere, so I just accepted with my super fake smile. I smiled nicely and glanced beastly.

But, I should thank to God, at least I had took a picture with him in it. I was happy. Thank you, my Lord. :] At least, I had a chance to be with him in a together selfie. Thank you, my dear God. :]

That day ended normally. He went home normally, Alex went home normally, Rani went home normally, and then there was me crying in a silence. Only a pro knew that I was sad because it was a home time.

I just want to say “Thank you” to all of you. Firda, Rani, Ki' Ki', Fifi, Dandik, Grace, Mei, Dandy, Pod, Faisal, Huda, and friends. And special thank you for him.


State Of Mind #3

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

30 minutes had passed. We literally didn’t do anything. Well, yeah. We still breathed and moved our minds and hearts. Rani was very prepared till’ she took her cards (Remi in Bahasa) out of her school bag and smiled to everyone while pursuing us to accompany her playing some games. Then I decided to play with her :]. Ok, she got me.. Now what?

Suddenly, Ki' Ki' and him butted in and joined the game we were going to play. Ki' Ki' pushed him (too hard I guessed) towards my sitting. I was like, “Eh ma GOD! Please don’t do that. You’ll just kill me softly” I showed a derp face to Ki' Ki' for pushing him purposely. But my heart were just going to explode. I could hear my heartbeat. It was beating fastly and rapidly. #Okay, so now, I am having more wet-cold sweat# I was like a moving pollution. Excreted too much. And thank god the fan helped me a bit.

We played some games as I couldn’t hold my smile. I thought I was smiling too much. Of course to him. I didn’t know why, but I kept doing an agyeo (Act cutely. So’im in Bahasa) at him. We chose to play 41 (A game where we should collect the Ace, King, Queen, and Jack in the same item). I had sacrificed a lot for him so that he could win the game. But, he betrayed me by throwing away cards I needed to be collected.

For the next hours, we kept playing cards. 41, Setan, Seven7, till’ tepuk nyamuk. And I liked tepuk nyamuk the most. It was very fun and cool game. He seemed enjoyed it and that made me smiling all the time.

I finally passed from the game due to my magh. I didn’t have a breakfast that morning. Then, it hurt my stomach. It felt like a hell. I couldn’t hold it. And in the end, Firda asked me if I wanted to buy a medicine. I said yes. She drove me to a drugstore with her motor in a minute. Later, I got my gastric medicine and 15 minutes later, it felt better. Thank you, Firda.

I hated having magh. It made myself not been able to play cards with him. I was upset with myself and angry at the same time. I could only stare at him. Stared his back. His dashing back and shiny hair. How could someone look so perfect that time? I loved it when our eyes met to each other. 


State of Mind #2

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
“I made things up and I was the only one living in it till’ the end.” –Hyms

Two days hiatus drove me crazy. I kept thinking of what the first sentence –or might be the first word– to say to each other. Those two days were telling me how should I stare perfectly, greet properly, and act normally. Though a good things will overrule the bad, I didn’t believe it in a second if it’s about myself to him. I was nervous as I had wet-cold sweat on my forehead and both of my palms. I warned my ankle not to be sprained or placed wrongly as it could make my leg shaking for five times per second on our first met, two days after graduation.

June, 18th.

My house was brighter and warmer since my grandma was there to take a short holiday with us, her grandchild. That awkward moment when I realized I didn’t have to go to school on time because I am graduated, but still mumbled at my father for taking me to school at 7.15 am.

I thought I had prepared everything well. But in fact, I forgot every details of the plan I already arranged before. That morning, I finally arrived at school obviously not at 7.15 am. I was afraid that I would be late for the ‘Kongres’. But, I guessed better late than never. I ran after to the basecamp and found my Scemathics Family sitting on bench comfortably and peacefully. And they didn’t do anything despite from breathing and moving their hearts and minds. I was like, “You don’t say...” So I ran for nothing? Don’t say that! #”You were exactly running for him. You couldn’t hold it to see those dazzling eyes.”#

We didn’t talk too much in the first 45 minutes. But then, Rani came and saved my life. Saved me from ‘life reduction by ten years due to a nervousness’. She warmed up things. And we could finally and slowly open up to others. I was glad she was there. 
